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Land Distribution Later This Year

Land at the Belle Garden Housing Development is being prepared for distribution to successful applicants.

Secretary of Settlements, Urban Renewal and Public Utilities Clarence Jacob said the area has already been divided into lots. The Settlements Division is now constructing a sewer treatment plant at the site.

“The plant has an estimated completion date at the end of July 2019,” Jacob said at Wednesday’s (February 6) post Executive Council media briefing, “and contractors are already on site. They began the construction on January 25.”

The Secretary also gave an update on the Courland Housing Project, which he said was now 90 per cent complete. In all, 108 lots have been earmarked for distribution.

“These lots would be distributed at the end of fiscal 2019. We are in the process of our completion works, with regards to pitching and planting of grass,” the Settlements Secretary said.

Jacob said his Division is committed to ensuring that the standards of living in Tobago are improved.