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New Committees

A coordinating committee has been established to support the needs of the differently abled. Secretary of the Division of Health, Wellness and Family Development Dr. Agatha Carrington said this was one of two major family development initiatives earmarked as priority projects for 2019.

“The community of differently-abled persons, we are now fully organised in terms of the staffing or the composition of that committee, the Tobago Coordinating Committee for the Differently Abled,” Dr. Carrington said.

The committee members will soon receive their instruments of appointment. The other priority project is a committee to deal with issues related to the care of senior citizens on the island.

“Members of that committee, they have been also approved and they would soon be receiving their instruments, such that they continue to do work on and behalf of the elderly,” the Health Secretary said.

These committees are a part of a plan to provide support for the more vulnerable members of society.