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Tobago students continue upward trend

Tobago students continue to improve in both the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE) examinations.

Secretary of the Division of Education, Youth Affairs and Sport (DEYAS) Huey Cadette said results in both exams show growth for the island’s students.

“This year examination results continue to show an upward trend in the number of students attaining five of more subjects, including Maths and English,” Cadette said during the weekly Post Executive Council media briefing. “The pass rate has moved from 36.3 per cent in 2014 to 38.3 per cent in 2015.”

In 2015 943 students sat the CSEC exam, 22 more than last year.

“More students attained Grade I passes this year when compared to last year, with the figure going from 439 students last year to 490 this year,” the Secretary added.

Five of the nine secondary schools showed overall improvement in the number of students attaining five or more passes at CSEC exams. Those schools included Mason Hall Secondary, Roxborough Secondary, Harmon SDA, Speyside Secondary and Bishop’s High School.

Cadette indicated Tobago’s female students performed better than their male counterparts in obtaining full certificates at the CSEC level.

The 300 students who registered for the CAPE examination were even more impressive.

“The overall pass rate continued its upward trend that we have seen over the last couple of years,” Cadette stated. “Our pass rate in 2015 was 92.4 per cent and this has seen an improvement where way back in 2011 we were down at 89.2 per cent.”

“Overall, all of our schools performed exceedingly well,” he said.