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Visitor arrivals holding steady

Passenger arrivals to Tobago inched up slightly by 0.04 per cent from 705,374 in 2015 to 705,647 for the first eight months of 2016.

This was disclosed Secretary of Tourism and Transportation Assemblyman Tracy Davidson-Celestine at Wednesday’s (September 21) post Executive Council media briefing at the Administrative Complex, Calder Hall.

Davidson-Celestine said of the total arrivals for the period this year, 46 per cent came in via the domestic air bridge, while 44 per cent used the inter-island fast ferry service. Three per cent were from international flights, and seven per cent from cruise ships. Yacht arrivals accounted for 0.07 per cent.

The Secretary said passenger arrivals on the inter-island ferry service for the eight-month period January to August was 311,607 compared to 309,570 or an increase of 0.6 per cent. This was achieved despite the challenges the Port Authority faced with its vessels over the past few months, which resulted in delays and fewer sailings, particularly during the July-August peak period.

Passenger arrivals via the domestic air bridge for the same period decreased by two per cent, down from 334,843 in 2015 to 327,641. Caribbean Airlines currently accounts for almost half (46 per cent) the number of visitors to Tobago.

The Tourism Secretary also disclosed a boost in international air services to the island in two months. She said on November 13, Tobago will welcome another direct flight from Manchester, England, a Thomas Cook Airlines flight (Condor) that will be shared with Barbados, up to March 19, 2017. This flight will serve northern England.

Another Condor service from Munich will begin on November 12 and will also be shared with Barbados. That flight will run until April 22, 2017, serving southeast Germany.