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Rain Proof System for Market will Ensure Customer Comfort

Heavy rainfall has been posing a challenge to vendors at the new temporary market facility at Shaw Park.

But Secretary of Food Production, Forestry and Fisheries Hayden Spencer said the issue is being addressed to ensure vendors and customers are comfortable when it rains.

“I would have indicated to the vendors [that] we would have already started the procurement process to cover the containers. We recognise in heavy rain time it’s difficult for shoppers and vendors to operate,” he said at Wednesday’s (July 18) post Executive Council media briefing.

“We’re at the stage where drawings are being prepared,” Spencer said, adding that the issue is being treated with urgency. A retractable, weather-resistant canvas covering will be installed, and work will be done at times when the market is closed.

The Secretary said, however, that the THA will not provide shuttle transportation for market customers.

Close to 150 vendors were relocated to the temporary market facility in May to facilitate the renovation of the Downtown Scarborough Market. The Shaw Park facility was commissioned on June 15.