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Greater Inclusion

Greater focus is being placed on increasing social inclusion of the differently-abled community in Tobago.

At Wednesday’s (July 25) post Executive Council media briefing, Secretary of Health, Wellness, and Family Development Dr. Agatha Carrington said there will be increased support for the differently abled.

“In June, I brought a motion with respect to the need for inclusion of the differently abled in our society and in our island and therefore, we feel that none should be left behind. We have since formed a committee for the differently abled,” she said.

The Secretary said the committee represents the various special needs interests groups on the island. A space has also been provided for the activities of these groups, and they’ve received funding to outfit their new location.

“As we continue our planning sessions with them, the community has identified for us that there are challenges in locating persons to care for those children and elders who are differently abled.”

A three-day training programme, was held from July 24-26 to create awareness on communicating with the differently abled. It included understanding of confidentiality and building trust with differently-abled people.