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Sustain T&T’s Renewable Energy Education Project Announces Winners

The Renewable Energy Education Project – a product of Sustain T&T,  came to a close at the Speyside Secondary School on Tuesday 28th April, 2015, culminating with the announcement of the winning team with the best solar oven and a prize giving ceremony.

Sustain T&T is a local Non-Governmental Organization which uses “edu-tainment” as its platform. The Renewable Energy Education Project combined film, games, presentations, discussions and hands on demonstrations to bring renewable energy concepts to life.

Participating students made simple solar ovens utilizing a box, reflective material, insulation and clear plastic wrap. Bread dough was placed in the oven to test its effectiveness. Students’ solar ovens were proudly put on display to be judged for the last day of the project but it was Nyrel Denoon’s design that took first place.

The competition was stiff but the bread in the winning oven cooked all the way through, giving the first place winner the advantage over the others. Second place was given to Okel Dick and third place went to Rouchard Arthur.

The project, which commenced on Friday 6th March, 2015 in Tobago was conducted by Sustain T&T, funded by the German Embassy, Port of Spain and supported by the Comprehensive Economic Development Plan (CEDP) Secretariat of the Tobago House of Assembly.