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Fire Service Training In Tobago Brings Community Benefits

An enhanced quality of life on the island takes a community approach.

That’s the view of Secretary of Community Development, Enterprise Development and Labour Marslyn Melville-Jack, who said the efforts of the collective are beneficial to society.

“[Empowering communities means] giving to individuals, families, businesses and community groups the freedom, opportunity, and encouragement to build and secure their own future,” Melville-Jack said during yesterday’s (October 31) the post Executive Council media briefing.

“This administration also promises to strengthen partnerships in an attempt to enhance delivery,” the Community Development Secretary said.

She referenced an MOU signed on September 25, by representatives from the Division, the Argyle Village Council, and the Trinidad and Tobago Fire Services from the Ministry of National Security.

It allows Fire Service recruit training to be conducted in Tobago at the Argyle Community Centre, field, and adjacent car park.

The Secretary said the agreement also “creates employment and entrepreneurship for persons within the community to function as service providers”.

There are currently 70 Fire Service recruits in training at the Centre, ten of whom are from Trinidad. Training began on October 1 and runs until January 31 next year.