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OSH Hosts School Poster Contest

In celebration of National Occupational Safety and Health Week 2019, the Occupational Safety and Health Department of the Division of Community Development, Enterprise Development and Labour will host a primary school poster competition.

Themed “What does safety in school mean to you,” the event promotes health and safety awareness among the island’s student population.

Participants’ ages 7 through 12 are eligible to enter. Posters must reflect the theme or an aspect of health and safety. Impact, neatness, and creativity will be among the criteria used for judging.

Students have until March 29, 2019 to enter. Three winners will be announced on April 12th.

The winners will receive prizes up to $2,000 and the first place winner’s school will receive one hundred first aid kits. For more information, please visit the Division of Community Development, Enterprise Development and Labour’s Facebook page.