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All protocols in place for Exams

All the necessary protocols will be observed to ensure that secondary schools in Tobago are in a state of readiness for the hosting of CSEC and CAPE examinations. The Division, through its school supervisor and principals, is ensuring that the cleaning companies that operate in the schools, sanitize the compounds and ultimately guarantee that all necessary hygiene protocols are established and implemented.

The sanitization process, which has already begun, will continue until the reopening of schools. From Monday 9th June, 2020, teachers will be available to work with their students to complete their SBAs where necessary.

In keeping with physical distancing requirements, auditoriums and large classrooms have been organized to accommodate students. To this end, furniture were placed six feet apart and students will have access to hand sanitizers and soap.

The Division will ensure that adequate and competent invigilators are selected to oversee exams. All invigilators will be required to wear masks. Teachers and students are expected to wear masks to enter the school compound however, students will not be required to wear mask while writing the exams.

Schools’ administrators will continue to work with guidance officers to provide emotional and academic support to students in preparation for exams.

The Division remains committed to ensuring that our students write their exams in a safe and secure environment and wishes them all success in their examinations.