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Arts: A Cultural Connector

THA Chief Secretary and Secretary of the Division of Education, Innovation and Energy, Kelvin Charles, recently emphasised the importance of creative pursuits as part of a well-rounded education.

Mr. Charles was speaking at the launch of this week’s Tobago Schools’ Arts Festival.

“There was a time when participating in activities like these – music, dance, drama, spoken word, speech band – appeared to be disruptive or hindering the academic achievement of students. We must acknowledge the research and contribution of Howard Gardner, who developed and differentiated human intelligence in his very popular Theory of Multiple Intelligences.  In his theory, all aspects of learning are important,” Charles said.

“Arts in general and Arts in Education, specifically, must be seen as an ideal avenue to nurture and develop the skills and talents of each child and connect them with their culture and with the wider world,” he said.

Charles indicated that the Arts Festival gave students an opportunity to build life skills including self-confidence and critical thinking. He said there were career opportunities in the Arts, which were exemplified by the life of Mighty Shadow.