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Tobago Schools are Ready

ALL primary schools throughout Tobago are equipped, organized, and ready to receive teachers and students as they prepare for the Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) on August 20th, 2020. These arrangements are in accordance with the protocols established by the Ministry of Health and adopted and implemented by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Division of Education, Innovation, and Energy (DEIE).

Schools have been provided with COVID -19 hygiene equipment that includes sinks, sanitizers, soap, paper towels, and thermal scanners in strategic positions and readily available to all staff and students.

Seating arrangements have been organized with the required physical distancing between students and signs are in place on the floors and walls to indicate the appropriate spacing when students form lines. Additional signage is provided to guide staff, and students to specific locations and to observe the COVID–19 hygiene protocols on the compound.

In addition to the coronavirus hygiene protocols, the DEIE continues to provide blended e-learning instruction training from three providers – Moodle, Education Management Information System (EMIS), and Information Technology Teacher Professional Network (ITTPN). To date, two hundred and thirty-four (234) educators have accessed training and the DEIE expects that four hundred (400) would be trained by September 2020.

Our schools are ready as we prepare students to write the SEA and our teachers are ready to support them as they prepare for this important national assessment.