“One young person in Tobago can make a difference.” This was the advice offered by Secretary of Finance and Enterprise Development, Mr. Joel Jack to the Youth Energised for Success (Y.E.S) Interns at the Victor E. Bruce Financial Complex at a discussion on the island’s self-governance and their role in the Assembly’s thrust.
The Chief Secretary, Orville London reiterated Mr. Jack’s position telling the gathering, “…this is about young people…… and the people’s right to the self-determination.” Enriching the dialogue was former Chief Secretary, Hochoy Charles who brought valuable historical context to the conversation.
This unique opportunity for honest dialogue on a topic of critical importance to the island’s future by both the Chief Secretary and former Chief Secretary was co-ordinated by the YES Programme of the Division of Finance and Enterprise Development and the Secretariat for Tobago’s Autonomy.
The students are all enlisted as interns with the YES Programme for activities which provide for personal mentorship and professional development. Students are also exposed to life enhancing seminars. During the discussion they also reviewed a mini documentary which outlined Tobago’s journey to self-governance. The students in closing expressed their pleasure at being afforded an opportunity to engage, honestly and openly with the Chief Secretary and former Chief Secretary on this high priority issue.