Credit Unions Praised For Embracing Development Role

Tobago’s credit union movement is earning praised for its passion and drive, especially in youth development.

Speaking at the International Credit Union Month celebrations, hosted on Saturday (October 27), Secretary of Finance and the Economy Joel Jack commended the Tobago Regional Chapter of the National Co-operative Credit Union League for its vision in this area.

“I have a passion for young people and money, and for young people embracing and becoming savvy entrepreneurs,” Jack said.

He believes credit unions have a key social role.

“It is my considered opinion,” the Finance Secretary stated, “that the credit union movement has played and continues to play a critical role not only in Tobago’s development but also in national development, be it in the area of savings accumulation and mobilization, in investment generation, in education, in home ownership and in the empowerment of communities.”

Jack reaffirmed his Division’s commitment to ensuring Tobago’s youth are properly guided on the path to success.