A diverse group of close to 150 Tobagonians attended the Financial Literacy Secretariat’s (FLS) second investment information seminar for the year. This session was facilitated by the Trinidad and Tobago Unit Trust Corporation at the Victor E. Bruce Financial Complex.
In his remarks, Secretary of Finance and Enterprise Development, Assemblyman Joel Jack encouraged the large gathering to exploit the various investment opportunities offered, building on the Tobago ethic of savings and thrift in an effort to increase their assets and strengthen the legacy of intergenerational wealth transfer on the island.
UTC’s Vice President of Advisory Services-Ms Amoy Van Lowe applauded the Assembly on its initiative and partnership over the years. She commended the Secretary of Finance in particular for his positive response in supporting activities which allow citizens to take charge of their future, in addition to his vision and commitment to the enhancement of financial literacy.
The gathering was presented with information on wealth generation by Mr Garth Thomas of Comprehensive Planners and Associates. Mr Leslie St Louis of First Citizen’s Brokerage and Advisory Services explained the first steps to be taken when investing in the stock market. Meanwhile Mr Sekou Mark-Vice President of Investment Research and Portfolio Management at the UTC gave insights into the operations and philosophy behind the UTC Calypso Macro Index Fund. The session was highly interactive and participants engaged all facilitators directly on their respective presentations.
This was the largest gathering of persons since the FLS has commenced hosting of information sessions which according to the Secretary of Finance augurs well for Tobago’s financial future. The Secretariat in the upcoming months will continue to implement education programmes to increase the level of financial literacy on the island.