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Sandals Project To Bring Significant Investment

The Sandals Resort Project is expected to bring in significant investment opportunities and revenue to Tobago.

That’s according to Secretary of Finance and the Economy Joel Jack, who provided an update on plans for the resort, which were outlined in the fiscal 2019 budget presentation.

“The Minister [Colm Imbert] indicated that the room capacity is somewhere in the vicinity of 1,000 rooms and the project will employ up to 2,000 permanent employees and is expected to generate earnings of upwards of $400 million (TT),” Jack said.

And the Secretary said there are plans to rebrand the Magdalena Grand Beach and Golf Resort, and to boost tourism in general.

“Provision was also made for the Tobago Tourism Agency, as we seek to roll out with stakeholders in the industry in Tobago,” Jack added.

A three-year road map for growth and development has also been established to enhance the island’s tourism product.