Booths Available for Eat Local Day

Vendors can begin applying on Monday (May 6) for booths at the upcoming Eat Local Day Grand Exhibition and Food Fair.

The Fair is being hosted by the Division of Food Production, Forestry and Fisheries on May 29 at Scarborough’s Gardenside Car Park.

Categories for vending include: food, seedlings, herbs and agro-processors. Registration is open from Monday to Wednesday (May 6-8) at the Food Crop Production Building (1st floor), Montessori Drive, Glen Road, from 9 am to 12 noon.

The Division launched its Eat Local Campaign in April under the theme “Celebrate Our Local Foods: Produce, Process, Promote.”

The event will promote the nutritional and health benefits of eating local produce, as well as innovative ways to prepare local foods, and encourage increased consumption of local produce.

Anyone seeking more information can contact the Food Crop Production Unit at 639-9515.