January move for Scarborough Market vendors

Vendors at the Scarborough Market will be able to cash in on Christmas sales before they are temporarily relocated to Shaw Park.

Secretary of Agriculture, Marine Affairs, Marketing and the Environment Assemblyman Godwin Adams made the announcement at Wednesday’s post Executive Council media briefing at the Administrative Complex, Calder Hall, Scarborough.

Adams said his Division held six meetings with the vendors to discuss their relocation and it was during one of these meetings with his technical staff, the request to be relocated after Christmas was made. He said the vendors were also concerned that there will be illegal vending on the streets of Scarborough once they move to Shaw Park.

Adams said he assured the vendors that the police and other appropriate authorities will ensure there is no illegal vending within a 1.5 mile radius of the temporary market.

The Secretary added that vendors will be provided with adequate facilities to sell their produce, including tents and air conditioned containers for meat and fish.

The Eco Industrial Development Company of Tobago (EIDCOT), a company under the THA, will oversee the reconstruction of the old market, which should take 18 months.

The temporary market site is almost finished and will be ready for occupation by November.

Meanwhile Adams revealed that Sargassum seaweed is proving to be a challenge for the Environment Department due to the frequency with which it is arriving on Tobago’s coastline, especially on the Atlantic side of the island.

The Department’s main focus is removing the seaweed from beaches frequented by bathers and fisher folk. The seaweed is being stored at Goldsborough, Louis D’Or and Courland. He also advised the public not to use the seaweed as plant fertiliser.