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Collaboration to Improve the Lives of Children in Tobago

Representatives from the Children’s Authority of Trinidad and Tobago led by Elizabeth Lewis, Deputy Director (Ag.) Legal and Regulatory Services paid a courtesy visit to Assemblyman Dr. Faith B.Yisrael, Secretary of Health, Wellness and Social Protection and Assemblyman Sonny Craig, Assistant Secretary of Health, Wellness and Social Protection on Friday 25th March, 2022, to discuss several areas of collaboration.

The conversations focussed on collaborating on the following:

  • Establishment of an Isolation Facility for
  • Establishment of a Child Support Centre for Children in Need of Supervision and Children with Behavioural Challenges.
  • Expansion of a Foster Care programme in Tobago
  • MOU / Legal provision to facilitate the THA and TRHA to provide agreed services and facilities
  • Building capacity of THA managed Community
  • Appointment of Facilities Review Committee (Homes for Children)

Deliverables coming out of the meeting include:

  • A subsequent meeting with the County Medical Officer of Health and other stakeholders to work out the policy on isolation and care of COVID-19 positive children at Community Residences. The attendees agreed that since the virus is evolving from the pandemic to endemic stage, a separate isolation facility may not be necessary.
  • The approved proposal regarding the establishment of a Child Support Centre will be shared with the THA so that a decision can be made on the THA’s input into the
  • The Division will assist with targeted, public sensitization on Foster Care, inclusive of online sessions.
  • The Secretary will consult with the necessary persons / organisations, to work towards granting the Children’s Authority’s medical doctor more access to services offered by the TRHA, which will ultimately help the children under their care.
  • Policies on subventions at the Division will be reassessed, with the aim to provide NGOs with the necessary funding to provide safe homes for children.
  • The Facilities Review Committee (Homes for Children) will be installed next Friday 1st April, 2022. This committee will give oversight of Homes for Children in Tobago.
  • The Children’s Authority will meet with the Secretary and Assistant Secretary every two months hereafter.

To culminate the discussions, Secretary Dr. B.Yisrael committed to support the Authority with their initiatives in Tobago. She said “I pledge our support from the Division and THA to take care of our nation’s children. We are going to do what we need to do to make things work and to make sense…I am going to have real sit downs, one on one with some of you to work the issues out. Trust me, I’m on board!”.

Ms. Lewis, Deputy Director (Ag.) Legal and Regulatory Services at the Authority thanked the Secretary for the open discussions that led to what she described as “a fruitful meeting”. She said “Our work is about the care and protection of children, but we cannot do it alone, we need the support of the THA. Thanks for all you’ve committed to do”.

The other Children’s Authority representatives present at the meeting were Sharon Bradshaw, Tobago Coordinator; Dr. Avanelle Benoit, Medical Doctor, Tobago Assessment Centre; Liselle Anthony-Douglas, Team Lead Investigation and Intervention Unit and Cheryl Moses-Williams, Communications Manager. The Secretary and Assistant Secretary were joined by Jason Nancis, Advisor to the Secretary and Kwame Gordon, Manager, Probation Hostel.

The Children’s Authority of Trinidad and Tobago is a specialised agency with the responsibility for the care and protection of children, especially those who are at risk or have been victims of abuse or neglect. The Authority advocates for the rights of children, and encourages and supports them to enjoy their childhood. The Authority’s overarching objective is to utilise child-friendly and progressive solutions to address children’s issues and rehabilitate them, so that their full potential is realised.

The public can contact the Authority at 996 or 800-2014 if they have any concerns about the welfare of a child.