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New Contracts for ‘REACH’ Committee

Several grants will be distributed to entrepreneurs through the REACH (Realisation of Economic Achievement) programme before the end of this fiscal year.

Secretary of Health, Wellness and Family Development Dr. Agatha Carrington made the announcement at Wednesday’s (July 25) post Executive Council media briefing.

“We’ve been providing seed capital to small business persons,” Dr Carrington said, “such that if they have an idea that they want to pursue, especially one which is going to empower them and one which will bring them out of their present state, we’ve been supporting them over the years,” she said.

The Secretary said the next batch of REACH grants of $7,500 each have already been approved. These are expected to be distributed soon.

The Health Secretary also announced that contracts for the programme’s committee members have been renewed. The committee oversees the requests for grants from the Division.

“We have engaged in renewing the new period of their contract, for the persons who are on the committee,” she said.