The Division of Health, Wellness and Social Protection (DHWSP), in collaboration with the Tobago Regional Health Authority (TRHA), hosted a Mental Health Village on Thursday, 10th October, 2024 at the Lowlands Mall, to spread awareness of mental health issues and educate persons on the actions that can be taken to improve one’s mental well-being. The activity was the Tobago leg of the Ministry of Health’s ‘Paint D’ Town Green’ initiative, which is held in commemoration of World Mental Health Day, observed annually on that day.
The theme for this year is ‘Mental Health at Work’ and, in delivering the feature address, Assemblyman Dr. Faith B.Yisrael expressed that the DHWSP and TRHA staff play an important role in helping people, but it’s also a difficult task that can negatively impact their own mental health. She said “I am not going to stand here and pretend that our workplaces are perfect because they are not. We are all actively, every single day, looking for ways to be better. We all try to figure out how we will make it to the end of the day and how we are going to get up tomorrow and do it all again…I don’t know all the answers but I think that collectively, if each of us does a little piece [to improve our mental health], we will get closer to the answers.”
Mr. Hanif E.A. Benjamin, Director – Department of Social Protection, DHWSP, also indicated that a collaborative approach is necessary to deal with mental health in the workplace. He said “We need to look out for one another…and we need to always check in on our mental health…together, we will move mental health to a good place.”
Mrs. Sarah Celestine Balfour, Acting General Manager – Patient Care, TRHA, heralded the call for leaders to prioritise mental health in the workplace and she also shared the respective benefits. She said, “As leaders and policy makers, we need to create a supportive environment where employees feel valued, respected and cared for. This will ensure higher job satisfaction, reduced stressed levels and improved overall happiness amongst employees.”
Dr. Sreenivasulu Mallakunta, Head – Mental Health Department, TRHA, shared the importance of treating mental health at the workplace at an early stage to avoid the negative effects. He shared, “Mental Health doesn’t just affect individuals, it can also affect families, because once we don’t address the issues at work, they can start to affect our family life, our relationships etc.”
The Mental Health Village featured art therapy; stress, depression and anxiety testing; blood sugar and blood pressure testing; nutrition; mediation services; relationship, sexual health and spiritual counselling, employee assistance and live jumbo games. If you or anyone you know needs assistance with mental health challenges, you can contact the TRHA’s Mental Health Unit at 660-4744; Ext. 3157 or Ext. 4220 for the Scarborough Health Centre Mental Health Unit. If you or anyone you know feels frustrated, overwhelmed or just needs to speak with someone, call the DHWSP Therapeutic Counselling Unit at 798-5805 or 683-8341.