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TechVoc Students Win Bronze at National Special Olympics

The Division of Health, Wellness and Social Protection (DHWSP) extends congratulations to two students of the Technical Vocational Centre for Persons with Disabilities (TechVoc) who earned bronze medals in basketball skills at the 2023 Special Olympics Trinidad and Tobago National  Games!

The athletes, Tiffany Daniel and Tarisse Alfred, displayed their basketball skills and techniques at the Pleasantville Indoor Sport Arena on Saturday, May 6th. They were judged individually in simple drills which included passing the ball, dribbling and shooting, in which they were timed and earned points.  Both Tiffany and Tarisse explained that basketball is their favourite sport and they’re quite passionate about it.

TechVoc has been participating in the national event for almost ten years, and students have brought home a medal on most occasions.

Mrs. Dotsie Bacchus, a retired TechVoc teacher, continues to give of her time and service to the school. She chaperoned the students during the first day of competition in Trinidad and said, “Though the children did not get sufficient time to practice and train, they continue to perform well because we encourage them to have fun, and they really enjoyed it.”

The games started last Saturday and will continue until May 27th at various venues in both Trinidad and Tobago.  The Tobago leg will be held at the Shaw Park Recreational Facility on Thursday, May 18th from 9:00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.  A total of 14 TechVoc students will get the opportunity to put their skills to the test in the other disciplines – track and field, football and bocce. The students have increased training from one day to two days a week to perfect their skills.

Mrs. Bacchus added, “The Special Olympics is a big thing for athletes, teachers coaches and parents involved and I encourage the Tobago public to come out to show their support and cheer on the special athletes.  It is another form of encouraging inclusion and affirming that special athletes are athletes too.”