Training Leaders

Twelve health sector staff members have been selected for leadership training, starting tomorrow (May 1).

Secretary of Health, Wellness and Family Development Dr. Agatha Carrington said the aim of the training is to build capacity in the health sector.

“These areas are important for us, because we want to ensure that the gaps that we have, in our system, that those, have been addressed,” Dr, Carrington said at last week’s (April 24) post Executive Council media briefing. “Persons have been interviewed already, and we expect to have them getting started on their rotation on May 1.”

It’s not the only area of capacity building being looked at in the health sector. The Health Secretary said 15 people will also benefit from cancer registration training.

“We’ve been relying on the Elizabeth Quamina cancer registry team and such team cannot come to Tobago as frequently as they want [to] and therefore, we’re enabling our staff to do our data extraction and the like,” she said.

An enrolled nursing assistants programme is also expected to start in June, and two cohorts of nursing assistants will be trained, with the second cohort starting next January.