Drive blue for Autism Awareness
Every year, World Autism Awareness Day is recognised on April 2 to highlight the importance of learning more about autism and supporting people affected by it.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges. The UN theme for World Autism Awareness Day 2022 is ‘Inclusive Quality Education for All’. To celebrate, Autism Tobago is going to Drive Blue. Persons can show their support by joining the drive or by wearing the colour blue.
“On Saturday our aim is to raise awareness and support. The information that would be shared is tied into this year’s theme [on] inclusive education,” Chairman of Autism Tobago, Ria Paria said.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that worldwide about one in 160 children has an ASD.
“Autism Tobago over the years has focused on parent support and training. To equip parents, volunteers and interested persons with the knowledge required to assist persons with autism,” Paria said.
She said applicable support is also important.
“Upon diagnosis of autism, early intervention is key, and appropriate supporting therapies and activities for them. Routines are beneficial as well as any material or activity that helps with communication and development of social skills, such as taking turns and waiting in line. Helping your child become independent can also be a goal for parents,” she said.
To learn more about the NGO, visit their Facebook page at Autism Tobago.