Janae’s A Winner! (cont’d)
We continue to highlight the personality behind Ms. Tobago Heritage Personality (MTHP) 2021, Janae Campbell.
Q. You intend to become a plastic surgeon. Why this particular career?
“The impetus came from watching Grey’s Anatomy. The character Mark Sloan was an immensely dexterous and efficient plastic surgeon who transformed lives. He was able to put smiles on the faces of patients who were not comfortable in their skin. As such, I too would like to bolster people’s self-esteem and confidence through reconstructive and cosmetic means.”
Q. You also aspire to become a Senator. What’s driving that goal?
“I look at politics as my calling. I’m a natural in the field of articulating and debating and I chose senator because it specifically involves legislative procedures and is more devoid of divisiveness and contention.”
Q. Your dream is to establish a charitable foundation. Tell us some more about this.
“I have purposed in my heart that once I’m gainfully employed and in a financially liberal position, I will use a percentage of my income to aid the destitute. The charity would be targeted towards orphaned or disowned children. I look forward to realizing my other dreams so that this can be actualized.”
Q. What would you say to young ladies vying to enter the 2022 competition?
“They should trust their capabilities. Confidence is everything! But, it shouldn’t drown humility. Enter with a willing mind and see it as an opportunity for growth and development. With hard work, dedication, passion and a strong support system, you will achieve.”
We have no doubt that Janae will continue to rise to higher heights and wish her the best of luck on the journey to achieving all her dreams. Congratulations to her and all the other contestants for showing up and showing out! From all of us at the Office of the Chief Secretary.