Rental Assistance on the Way
Some tenants are currently experiencing a difficult time when it comes to paying their rent, due to job loss or reduced income, as a result of the pandemic.
Landlords are being asked to not be quick to throw out tenants and instead give them a grace period, as many persons are going through financial challenges.
The Division of Health, Wellness and Family Development (DHWFD) recently made the appeal to landlords across the island, urging them to demonstrate empathy and consideration.
DHWFD Senior Corporate Communications Officer, Rion George, called for them to exercise patience with tenants who are awaiting rental assistance from the Division and confirmed that applications continue to be processed.
“If your tenant has applied to the Division for assistance, we encourage you to hold your hand a bit to avoid eviction. We are processing hundreds of applications and it takes some time to verify the paperwork. Sometimes it may take a little longer than expected but we assure members of the public that our team is doing all that we can,” said George.
He further advised that persons can call the Family Help Hotline if they wish to apply for any kind of support, through the Division’s Family Development Department.
Several numbers are available (see flyer) as the Division strives to reduce foot traffic in the office, as limiting the movement of people helps in curtailing the spread of the virus.
George said that landlords can also assist in speeding up the application process by providing the information needed by the Division to facilitate requests for rental assistance.