Working For the People Of Tobago

Public feedback creates a better vision.

The Division of Infrastructure, Quarries and Urban Development recently hosted a series of consultations focused on the redevelopment of Scarborough.

What we’ve done in these series of consultations is to demonstrate to Tobago our desire to have full participation in the renewal of Tobago…critical to that is the redevelopment of Scarborough,” Infrastructure Secretary Trevor James said.

So, we’ve completed our first three consultations. We intend to have another three in August by which time, the team of consultants will be working, and we’ll have an updated design for people to again share their views.”

 Other achievements coming out of the Division are the installation of four acoustic Doppler current profilers as part of the Pigeon Point Problem Identification Report, the commencement of an island-wide patching programme, and the launch of the Show Me A Road Tobago S.M.A.R.T customer platform.

James provided the update as part of this week’s Executive Council media briefing titled Mandate Monday.

Secretary of Settlements, Public Utilities and Rural Development, Ian Pollard, said some of his Division’s achievements included the distribution of approximately $1.4 million in Home Improvement Grants, the drawing of 43 applicants for the Riseland Housing Development, and the establishment of a Stakeholders Coordinating Committee whose duties include keeping relevant stakeholders informed regarding proposed plans.

Under the Home Improvement Programme, the Secretary indicated there were 882 applicants for the Home Improvement Subsidy and 6,143 applications for the various grants.

The Executive Council recently approved over six million dollars to address the backlog of approved applications for those programmes, which will be distributed this month to bring significant relief to persons most in need,” he said.

Mandate Monday was held to foster the accountability and transparency needed on THA matters.

Secretary of Infrastructure, Quarries and Urban Development Assemblyman Trevor James.
Secretary of Settlements, Public Utilities and Rural Development Assemblyman Ian Pollard.