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Highway on Target

The Claude Noel Highway Rehabilitation project remains on target, with 45 percent of the work already complete.

The Division of Infrastructure, Quarries, and the Environment stated in a media release on Friday (May 17) that its technical staff have been working alongside contractors, and project managers to deal with all sub-structural issues and related challenges on the highway.

“In keeping with a needs assessment, a Triax geogrid [specialised reinforcement] material is being placed to reinforce the soil and sub-base below the road in some areas, providing greater resilience under heavy use,” the Division stated.

“This technology [will] increase the structural integrity and lifespan of the highway.”

The Division is also coordinating with the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) to ensure existing utilities are maintained or replaced as needed during this phase to reduce the need for future disruptions.

Infrastructure Secretary Kwesi Des Vignes also spoke on the project during last week’s (May 15) post Executive Council media briefing.

Des Vignes said: “What the Division has completed thus far was the removal of old asphalt, removal of failed base course material and reinstallation of structural-suitable base course materials to all areas except that portion of Wilson Road traffic lights to Darrell Spring walkover.”

He said the geo-grids will ensure the asphalt will last longer.

The Secretary said the project could finish before its July deadline and within budget.