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Tobago to Address Parking Challenge

Parking is in high demand within Scarborough and Crown Point, so the issue is getting immediate attention.

This is according to Secretary of Infrastructure, Quarries and the Environment Kwesi Des Vignes.

“As such we would have commissioned a parking study for Tobago,” Des Vignes said, “in particular the Scarborough area, and we are looking at the parking needs in Tobago, and more specifically where we can get more parking,” he said.

Des Vignes said in most countries, unlike Tobago, parking is not free. He said this is something the Infrastructure Division will address.

“We have to be strategic about the limited amount of parking spaces that we do have and we have to be mindful that yes, we can add to the infrastructure,” Des Vignes said. “But of course that comes with a cost.”

This is the first time a parking study is being done in Tobago.