Adventure mall gets green light to continue

Work on the Adventure Micro Enterprise Centre in Plymouth is scheduled to resume in a month.

Chief Secretary Orville London made the disclosure during Wednesday’s (September 30, 2015) Post Executive Council media briefing at the Calder Hall Administrative Complex.

London said he was updated on the project by Secretary of Infrastructure and Public Utilities Gary Melville, who reported that the dispute between the contractors and the project managers has been resolved. The project was halted in 2013 due to the disagreement.

“Very little work has been done on that mall for quite some time,” London said. “This is because there was a dispute between the contractors and the project managers about the scope of work. That dispute has taken a long time to be resolved.”

“They are in a situation where they are looking at the new scope of work. The contractor will be remobilised.”

The project is being managed by the National Maintenance Training and Security Company Limited (MTS).

The Chief Secretary said once the mall is completed, it will be occupied within a short space of time.

“Work should resume by early November and should be completed before the end of the year,” he stated. “The allocation process started some time ago and some of the booths have already been allotted.”