It is expected to touch down at the ANR Robinson International Airport around 7.45 p.m. with a full load of passengers.
Tourism and Transportation Secretary Tracy Davidson-Celestine said on Wednesday that a brief reception will be held in the airport’s international departure lounge welcoming the 240 passengers and flight crew. Among the passengers will be 40 golfers who will spend two weeks at the Magdalena Grand Beach and Golf Resort.
She said to date 2,489 passengers have been booked to use the charter services out of Stockholm to March 2014 and will result in a 25 per cent increase in visitor arrivals for the winter season.
She added that Scandinavia which includes Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark was the third largest outbound tourist region in Europe.
Davidson-Celestine said the 2013/2014 cruise ship season has started and Tobago was expected to host an estimated 20,000 visitors before it ended on March 20. She said discussions were well advanced for the 2014/2015 season which was expected to result in the arrival of an estimated 50,000 cruise visitors.
The Tourism Secretary said the participation of Trinidad and Tobago at the recent World Travel Market in London was a success and disclosed that the cost for the national team was $6M of which $93,000 covered the 20-member Team Tobago’s participation.