London explained this was a result of the island’s intensive litter clean-up project. Even as he noted the significance of preservation of the environment to the island’s tourism thrust, he said the THA was working at beefing up the sector through cultural and sport tourism.
Further to that the Assembly was engaged in a number of activities to diversify the Tobago economy from its dependence on tourism, which he agreed was volatile – with 40,000 visitors so far as opposed to 80,000 five years ago. London told the 14 students that the Cove Eco Industrial and Business Park would attract entrepreneurs and business people locally and internationally. He mentioned that the THA was also working at strengthening traditional industries namely agriculture and fisheries.
When asked about what it was like being Chief Secretary, London remarked that it was both a challenging and satisfying experience. He said it was satisfying because he was able to see the development of his people and the island but challenging because of its demands. “Everyday you do something that is satisfying but everyday you do something that you could do better”, London mused.
He encouraged the teenagers to not see mistakes as failure but as opportunities to improve and stepping stones to greater achievements.