Caribbean Wellness Day is celebrated annually by CARICOM countries on the second Saturday in September, as part of a unified response to promote health, and prevent and control the epidemic of Non-Communicable Diseases or NCDs.
Globally and in the Caribbean, chronic diseases of concern are heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases. These are caused by biological factors such as high blood pressure, obesity, high blood sugar, and high blood cholesterol.
The TRHA’s Wellness Day activities on September 27th are being held due to the prevalence of chronic diseases and the continuing need to raise awareness of the important of health screenings for early identification or detection of risk factors for chronic diseases, as well as to promote healthy lifestyle choices.
Activities at the Wellness Day event will include health screenings for blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, health measurements of weight, height and Body Mass Index (BMI) calculations, in addition to nutrition counseling, dental and health education on healthy lifestyles. Everyone is invited to participate in Friday’s Wellness Day which is aimed at enhancing the health of the population of Tobago.