Secretary of the Division of Community Development and Culture Dr Denise Tsoiafatt-Angus spoke about the recent challenges in the accountability of public funding that was expressed by the Minister of Finance and the Economy Larry Howai and the Minister of the Arts and Multiculturalism Dr. Lincoln Douglas. Tsoiafatt-Angus said on Tuesday (February 11, 2014) the Division hosted a meeting with Carnival stakeholders at the Fairfield Complex “to continue the sensitization and training of our stakeholders in preparing them for managing the funds that they are being given.” The Division shared information about the tools for accountability with stakeholders to combat the challenges of funding disbursement during the Carnival season.
During the weekly Post Executive media briefing, Tsoiafatt-Angus told the media that funding given to stakeholders was not simply about sponsorship. Tsoiafatt-Angus said that during the meeting the Division informed major stakeholders, including Pan Trinbago and Mas Fraternity, that they had delegated responsibility to operationalize Carnival.