Chamber happy with Cabo Star

Now that a suitable cargo vessel has replaced the Super Fast Galicia on the inter-island route, Tobago businesses are being advised to return their focus to building their businesses.

Chairman of the Tobago Division of the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Demi John Cruickshank, made this plea last night (July 21) after touring the Cabo Star cargo vessel, which made its maiden voyage to Tobago.

The Cabo Star is expected to make the trip in roughly five hours, Cruickshank said, which is good news for businesses since it will improve their efficiency. He’s also happy about the size of the vessel, which Cruickshank said will more than meet the needs of the island.

There are 12 cabins on the Cabo Star, each capable of housing four to six people. There are a few lounges where passengers can sit in comfort as they travel. And, in terms of capacity, the vessel can take up to 130 cargo trucks.

“I think the vessel is so large that I’m only seeing for now, the Easter time and the festive time is when we can fill this vessel,” Cruickshank said. “But right now I don’t think we have enough trucks and cargo on a daily basis to fill this vessel at this point in time.”

Based on what he’s seen, the Chamber head for Tobago said he’s impressed by the Cabo Star.

“I’m very very happy to see that the truckers have very good accommodation. It’s like a mini cruise ship. So I want to say that we are comforted that the vessel is here.”

Cruickshank said although Tobago’s businesses “should not have been put in this position”, the vessel provides them with a new opportunity.

“…We have to try to utilise the vessel, and I’m calling on all business persons to use the vessel at maximum capacity to restock our warehouses,” Cruickshank said.

“Let us get back to our daily operations of business instead of fighting with the port, fighting with the minister, fighting with everybody. We need to go back now and do our business on a daily basis.”