“It is very much in the way how this Prime Minister has operated where she has refused to hold up herself to the scrutiny of the public,” he told reporters in an interview today (Monday 14th October 2013) following the commissioning of the multi-purpose hard court and gym at the Signal Hill Secondary School
He added: “We see it happen in the parliament where it is the rarity but we see it as the norm with this Prime Minister where she speaks last in every debate.
London recalled that on issues concerning her government she either passes it on to somebody else so although it is disappointing it is not surprising. “It send a powerful signal and I have always said this election is not primarily about the prime minister and her party it is about the people and I think the people of Trinidad would have to tell the prime minister and make a decision whether they are satisfied with that so that those who go out and support the UNC next Monday, they will be saying that we are okay with that,” London said.
He added: “I think that she is acting very true to form and in those circumstances I would be very surprised however if the people of Trinidad say that is what they want in the island of Trinidad and the country.”
London who is a Deputy Political Leader of the PNM said he did not see why Opposition Leader and Leader of the PNM Dr Keith Rowley should withdraw from the debate. “It is a leader’s debate and I think a decision should be made by the debate’s committee whether this debate should go on when there will really not be three leaders competing. With two of the three leaders not competing whether it does not make a mockery of the process. The debates committee should really be making a decision as to where they should go from here.”
London said he believed that the PNM chances in the election are very good because the other two competing parties have disqualified themselves. “I think people have to use their own common sense and their own initiative that if two people know more about each other than we know of them they are telling you they are not qualified to hold leadership positions then who are you to second guess them.”