COVID-19 Travel Restrictions

Three more countries have been added to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) travel restriction list.

Trav­ellers from Ger­many, Spain and France are now restricted from en­ter­ing Trinidad and To­ba­go due to the out­break. They follow China, which was the first to be placed on the list on January 30th and Italy, South Ko­rea, Sin­ga­pore, Japan and Iran on February 27th, bringing the list to a total of nine.

Persons travelling from these countries are sub­ject to a 14-day wait period be­fore being al­lowed to en­ter the country. Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Dr. Keith Rowley made the announcement on March 10, during a live Press Conference at the Piarco International Airport’s VIP Lounge.

“The Min­is­ter of Health will take the nec­es­sary steps to add those three coun­tries to the list of lo­ca­tions from which trav­ellers com­ing to us will fall in­to the pro­to­col,” he said.

There are still no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the twin-island State.