Davidson-Celestine boasted Flashback would be the “premier programme for teaching/learning of Tobago.
She said added to this, the Community School for the Art Programme aimed to “upgrade the research element of the Tobago cultural traditions and sensitise the communities and to prepare them for the Heritage Festival as well as the International Dance and Drumming Festival that are on the calendar for 2011”.
“There will be a lot of research, lot of training, presentation, documentation, community development and development of our Heritage Festival and other music and dance products within the community, Davidson-Celestine added.
She said the Division would also initiate other new programmes in communities this month. “There are now discussions with village councils to have training workshops in proposal writing and also fixed asset inventory keeping. Village councils have quite a number of assets that they keep for the Tobago House of Assembly and we want to ensure that there is the necessary training so that they can account for those assets on a yearly basis,” she said.
Davidson-Celestine also revealed that the Department of Community Development in partnership with the Department of Youth Affairs, and the Tobago Youth Council would be hosting a youth conference and training workshop on March 29 to provide community leaders with building their capacity and providing them with the necessary level of training, support and exposure that was needed to help them propel as leaders within their respective communities.
She said the Division was also planning to launch the Pride of Tobago Project with the theme: My Village, My Pride and My Responsibility, to encourage inter-disciplinary approach where different people, different groups, organisations, and institutions in particular can come together to learn from each other and collectively solve a problem affecting their community.