New Secretary of Finance and Enterprise Development Joel Jack disclosed this on Wednesday (27th February 2013) at the post Executive Council media briefing at the Calder Hall Administrative Complex, Scarborough.
He made it clear that the Executive Council had deferred consideration of the appointment in order to obtain additional information and it had nothing to do with the publicity being given to the issue.
Jack said his Division had sought advice on a remuneration package for the senior consultant from HRC Associates which recommended a monthly package of $92,000 or $90,000 while CARIRI Consultants made a similar recommendation. He said the Assembly was willing to offer the senior consultant a monthly package of $60,000.
Jack said the package was based on the benchmark position in the private sector and the Central Bank.
Dr London was secretary of finance and enterprise development in the THA for the past 11 years and did not offer himself for the position following the January 21 THA election. He however said he was willing to serve the people of Tobago in any other capacity.