In her opening remarks, the Secretary Community Development and Culture Dr Tsoiafatt-Angus, commended the commitment of the Inter-Department Committee, for continuing the tradition for the last 17 years and welcomed them “back home,” as she pointed out that Shaw Park was the original place for all Carnival activities. She thanked all those working behind the scenes to make the event a success and applauded the contestants for their courage, to represent their Units and wished them the best of luck.
Dr. Tsoiafatt-Angus called on the audience to own the new, but yet familiar space and to “free up themselves, to take a jump, blow their horns, wave their flags, and in the concession area, to take a drink, eat some food and lime. The point is, you must enjoy yourselves tonight.”
Proving to be very entertaining, eleven (11) individuals vied to be the next Personality Winner and nine, (9) Calypsonians sought to be crowned Calypso Monarch. Performances were both hilarious and commanding, while the large crowd, approximately two thousand, appeared to be having a superb time, as they blew their whistles and horns.
Contestants were avidly supported by their fans that came dressed in their respective tees and polos. Though the competition was tight, hearty congratulations are extended to those emerging victorious that night.
In the Personality Competition Ms. Dianna Quashie, who represented the Division of Education, Youth Affairs and Sport, Placed 1st. In 2nd Place was Ms. Arista Adams, of the Division of Tourism and Transportation and in 3rd Place, was Mr. Andell Jerome, of the Trinidad and Tobago Fire Services.
Mr. Joseph Clinton of the Trinidad and Tobago Fire Services, is the newly crowned Calypso Monarch. He edged out Mrs. Sherma McDougall-Williams – Division of Tourism and Transportation, who Placed 2nd, while Ms. Kimoy Kirk of the Division of Community Development and Culture Placed 3rd.
As the evening progressed, it was clear that the crowd had warmed to the new environment and were having a grand time, giving hearty support to the Contestants, as well as to Guest Artistes, Princess Adana and Fya Empress. Many even joined entertainer Patrice Roberts at the foot of the stage to ‘jump and wine,’ as she excited them with her many renditions.
Heartfelt gratitude is extended to the Tobago House of Assembly, the Division of Community Development and Culture, which includes The Tobago Festivals Commission, the Tobago Carnival Committee 2015, The Inter-Department Committee, Esteemed Contestants, Distinguished Judges, Appreciated Sponsors, Patrons, Members of the Media, Mr. John Arnold and Staff at the Shaw Park Complex and all those who assisted in any way to make this event possible and a resounding success.