Land Option

Property owners who have to be relocated to facilitate the expansion of ANR Robinson International Airport will have the option of securing land through the Tobago House of Assembly.

This was announced by Chief Secretary Kelvin Charles at yesterday’s post Executive Council media briefing.

Charles said consideration is being given to providing additional support to residents on a case-by-case basis, if they agree to take up the option. This is due to the challenges they may have of securing suitable properties in the required timeline once a Section Five Notice (declaring that the land will be acquired) is received.

“…Given the limited time for relocation, as well as given the age and infirmity of some of the affected persons,” Charles said, “the THA is prepared to intervene to ameliorate… the ill effects of the acquisition process.”

The lands to be acquired have been classified in three categories: residential, commercial and agricultural.

“…For those who wish to do so, we shall be working with them to provide this kind of relief,” Charles stated. “So what would be required is that going forward, we will be meeting with the affected residents, [to] treat with their needs on a one-on-one basis.”

The Chief Secretary said each case will be dealt with on merit, and added that the THA will do its best to ensure the residents are comfortable.