Mentor’s contract expired

Secretary of the Division of Health and Social Services (DHSS) Claudia Groome-Duke has written to the Tobago Regional Health Authority (TRHA) board seeking information on the contract of Dr. Mentor Melville.

Dr. Melville’s term as general manager of Primary Health Care services ended earlier this month. He was informed of this via letter from the TRHA on March 12.

Asked about the issue during yesterday’s (March 25, 2015) post Executive Council media briefing at the Administrative Complex, Calder Hall, Groome-Duke explained that Dr Melville’s contract had ended.

“I was told that Dr. Melville was on a 12-month contract subject to one month’s vacation leave,” Groome-Duke said. “The board informed me that this contract commenced on May 1st, 2014 and was expected to expire on April 30th, 2015.

“According to the board, Dr. Melville was expected to proceed on leave with effect from the 10th March, 2015. It was in this respect that the board indicated that the letter dated 12th March was really a reminder to Dr. Melville of the expiration of his contract.”