More fishing facilities coming

The Department of Fisheries in the Division of Agriculture, Marine Affairs, Marketing and the Environment of the Tobago House of Assembly is hoping to deliver three fishing facilities in Belle Garden, Charlotteville and Castara over the coming months, according to the Assistant Secretary of the Division Assemblyman Hayden Spencer.

“Restoration work at the Belle Garden facility is 75 per cent complete and would be commissioned in the third week in January,” he told the weekly post Executive Council media briefing at the Administrative Complex, Calder Hall on Wednesday. (9th December 2015)

He said the restoration work at this facility needed to be done to ensure a better working area and to accommodate ten additional fishermen.

He said: “The Charlotteville facility is 90 per cent complete and would be commissioned during the third week of February.”

Spencer added: “The Castara facility is 45 per cent complete and would be commissioned during the third week of July.”

Spencer said the Division has embarked on a new relationship with the All Fisherfolk Association.

He added: “The Division and the association recently signed an MOU entitling the association to occupy office space on the upper floor of the Studley Park Fishing Facility for an office and meeting room to hold its statutory meetings on the first Thursday in the month.