The facility was built to provide visitors with information to help them navigate the area, Secretary of the Division of Agriculture, Marine Affairs, Marketing & the Environment Godwin Adams said. The centre also includes bathroom amenities and goods sold by vendors.
Vendors Orna McKenzie, Kurt James, Shurland James, and Verlyn Taylor, who sell craft and food, will receive keys to the booths.
“We’re going to be handing over the keys to the worthy recipients. They were people who were there selling various things for over 22 years and those people will continue to ply their trade at that area,” Adams said during the weekly Post Executive Council media briefing (25 February).
“All four recipients were persons who would’ve been plying their trade there for some time,” Adams added.
Souvenirs will be sold at the centre, which was commissioned August 2012. The facility is owned by the Division of Agriculture, Marine Affairs, Marketing and the Environment, but the Division shares the operation of the centre with the Division of Tourism and Transportation.
There is enough to interest nature lovers as well, said Adams.
“You can learn about birds, you can learn about animals. You can get information about the various trials and what you can access at the trails.”
Adams said the visitors centre will serve everyone in Tobago and not just tourists.