The documentary was well received at the Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival.
Film maker Noble Fox said: “It’s a story that many people do not even know exists.” But already local and international responses to the trailer are amazing.
“Nine Feet of Rope” was titled after the length of rope with which each competing goat must be tied. Fox said initially, there was much skepticism by Buccoo community members because over the years people would film the races, but nothing would come out of it. He is delighted that the community with which goat racing is synonymous gets a showing for themselves.
The THA, he said, was fantastic and marvelous in its support of the documentary.
Ideally, the evening will provide the opportunity for a family outing, just as the actual Goat Race event at Easter-time. All are invited to the free show at the Buccoo Integrated Facility from 7.00 pm. Following which, the public will be treated to a blockbuster movie.
Fox is a graduate of the National Film and Television School (NFTS), a leading international centre for media training in the United Kingdom. He said he enjoys travelling and “finding a way to share those magical and mystical stories” told to him by people he meets. Of Nine Feet of Rope, Noble said: “it’s all true”.