The centre built at a cost of $4.9 million by the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) was commissioned on Tuesday night (March 6 2011) by Chief Secretary Orville London and Community Development and Culture Secretary Tracy Davidson-Celestine. This is the 35th community centre now in use in the island.
In fact Chief Secretary London reminded the pack auditorium in the centre that Tobago had the most community centres health centres, playing fields and hard courts than any other Caribbean island of its size.
He said John Dial had a first class centre which should not be used as a meeting place only and urged the villagers to make full use of it for the benefit of all. He said he was surprised that a lot of people were unaware of the opportunities the Assembly has made available to residents of Tobago including the financial assistance grant for education and to carry out a trade, the financial assistance loan and grant for business, housing repair grant
Secretary Davidson-Celestine said her division was focussing mainly on empowering people and transforming communities. “We will provide the resources but it is for you to partake of the institution. You have to ensure that maximum use is put to the facilities which we will put down,” she said.
Minority Assemblyman for the area Orville Jordan said Secretary Davidson-Celestine had the skills to develop the people of John Dial and must be applauded for what she was doing. He said John Dial was a place that has talent and Tobago in general also has talent. He said: “I am happy to see the youths dancing and singing and they will go places.”