The prize money was distributed on Thursday and yesterday (Monday 28th May 2012) by Chief Secretary Orville London who visited the schools.
Scarborough RC took two prizes totalling $70,000 for coming first in the culture category and second in academics; Black Rock Government received $50,000 first prize in academics; and Moriah and Signal Hill Government received $30,000 for the third place in academics.
Whim AC took the $30,000 first prize in sports; Montgomery Government $25,000 for second and Mason Hall Government $20,000 in third place. Belle Garden AC won the $25,000 second prize for culture and Golden Lane Government $20,000 for coming third.
Among the secondary schools, Bishop’s High School received a total of $100,000 in prizes, the $70,000 first prize in academics and the $30,000 second prize in culture; Scarborough Secondary receive a total of $80,000 in prizes, the $50,000 second prize in academics and the first prize of $30,000 in sports; Signal Hill Secondary won the second prize of $25,000 in sports; and Speyside High School the first prize of $30,000 in culture.