President of the Republic Anthony Carmona, SC has agreed to deliver the feature address at the presentation function at the Magdalena Grand Resort and Spa on September 21 2013.
A six-member panel has been appointed to select eligible candidates and the choice of the Champion of Peace Award for consideration of the Mediation Board.
Individuals and organisations can be nominated to receive the award based on a number of criteria. These include using conflict resolution techniques; innovation in education and research in peaceful interventions; helping create enduring peaceful solutions; promoting self-determination, peace-making and non-violent interventions; restoring and maintaining harmony in relationships in community organisations; overall impact to nation building; advocating the use of alternative dispute resolution in minority groups, opposed and challenged injustice in the face of adversity.
In addition nominees in Tobago which has been deemed a Peace Centre should also be involved in the promotion of the tourism sector in the island.
Nomination forms are still available from the Office of the Assistant Secretary, Level 1 Unit Trust Building, Scarborough.