“You’ll recall, in October, during the commissioning phase that the inspection of the steam system revealed that the steam traps, sensory chambers, and insulation installed by the previous team of contractors required modification,” Groome-Duke said.
She said that procurement of the necessary equipment was undertaken by the Division, with the final parts arriving on January 17th.
During the weekly Post Executive media briefing, Groome-Duke said the remedial work to correct the steam lines was assigned to the steel installation company Barracuda Construction and Inspection Limited and completed by January 29. “This was to allow for the retesting and certification of the compressed air and steam systems.
“The new steam lines and traps have all been installed and tested satisfactorily,” she said.
Groome-Duke indicated that B&C Technologies, who has overall responsibility for the equipment, has been supportive of the process and working with the project manager towards an operational laundry “in light of the infrastructural snags that arose from time to time.”
“B&C Technologies has graciously extended the terms of their contract with the Tobago Regional Health Authority (TRHA) to allow for the 5-year warranty period to commence once the facility is operational.” Florida-based B&C Technologies is the industry leader in commercial/industrial laundry equipment.
Groome-Duke added that the final payment to B&C Technologies to complete the commissioning process was paid in advance by the TRHA. “Part of the warranty states that the laundry specialist from the supplier must be present for the startup of equipment.”
The equipment included the commercial flatwork ironer.
Groome-Duke added that the commissioning of relevant laundry equipment will be completed once the flight arrangement for the B&C laundry specialist was organised. “The presence of the supplier must be there in keeping with the warranty,” she said.