Chief Secretary Kelvin Charles extends hearty congratulations to the winners of THA Pan Champs 2018 and all participating bands in this year’s competition.

Mr. Charles says, “I was really delighted to be a patron last evening at this year’s competition. I have seen where pan as an industry has really grown over the years in Tobago and that is a very good thing.”  Commenting on the level of participation, Chief Secretary Charles added, “It is great seeing so many young persons in the bands.  It means that pan is not a dying art form here in Tobago and so I must commend them for showing that interest and also commend the parents and adults who ensure that the industry stays alive.”

Chairman of PanTrinbago, Tobago Mrs. Marie Toby, says she is happy that the competition was staged successfully with a good standard and logistics, which allowed for a smooth flow of the event.  Similarly, chairman of Tobago Festivals Commission George Leacock is pleased that the Commission delivered all that was expected of it, to ensure the success of THA Pan Champs 2018.

The THA Pan Champs 2018 was held on Sunday 04 February at the Dwight Yorke Stadium with a total of 15 bands competing.  In the Single Pan Bands, ‘Metro Stars’ emerged as winner, whilst ‘Our Boys’ copped first place in the Small Conventional Bands and capturing the title for Large Conventional Bands was ‘Petrotrin Katzenjammers’.